Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Treating Hyperhidrosis

7/365: IontophoresisImage by sparetomato via Flickr
If you are searching for a cure for sweaty palms or sweaty feed you are likely to very swiftly run across the definition of "iontophoresis". This is term that refers to what is undoubtedly the most efficient and cost effective treatment for the disease of hyperhidrosis available.

The way iontophoresis works is to introduce a very weak electric current into the perspiration glands to stop them from excreting sweat for a period of time that usually lasts weeks. This weak and painless current is conducted through your hands or even feet by means of a shallow tray of normal tap water you place your feet or hands into.

Please don't be put off by the electrical nature of this remedy. The current is simply not strong enough to cause any discomfort or injury. In fact, the process of iontophoresis is so effective and so safe its use has been approved by the American Dermatological Society.

The iontophoresis process begins by putting either your hands or your feet in two shallow trays filled with normal tap water. The iontophoresis device is attached with these shallow trays to provide the required electrical current.

Once the machine is active and the current is flowing, simply leave your hands or feed in the two trays for 20-30 minutes. When you begin treatment, you will do this every day until the sweating stops. Usually, this will take place after 5-10 treatments.

Occasionally, when the hyperhidrosis is particularly severe, it may take more treatments to be effective. The key is to not lose hope. If you continue these iontophoresis treatments, they will stop your excess sweating.

After the initial treatments has been successful and stopped the sweating you can switch to a maintenance schedule of iontophoresis treatments to keep the sweating away indefinitely. For planning purposes expect to repeat the treatments for one or two days every three weeks. Of course the amount of time between treatments varies with each individual and you experience may be either longer or shorter.

Iontophoresis models are available over the counter for about a thousand dollars US nevertheless one can be used together simply by just about anyone for far a smaller amount

More about hyperhidrosis and iontophoresis available at sweaty palms

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Don't Be Embarrassed By Sweaty Palms

Your HandsImage by Toni Blay via Flickr
The condition most we know as “sweaty palms" goes by the scientific name of “Palmar Hyperhidrosis”. It is embarrassing, annoying, life changing and, believe it or not, a much more common problem than you might think. The medical community estimates that about 3% of the population suffers from excessive sweating. That means that there are over 9 million people in the US alone with this condition.

The really off putting problem of this affliction is just how public it is. While we may well be embarrassed if our shirts "sweat out," at least we can cover up with a jacket or sweater. But, short of consistently wearing gloves (and some people do), there is no way to cover up sweaty hands except by keeping them out of sight in our pockets. 

Technically, there are two different types of hyperhidrosis; primary and secondary. Primary hyperhidrosis most often begins in early adolescence, or perhaps even earlier, and appears to be an inherited genetic trait. Secondary hyperhidrosis can appear at any point in life and is thought to have a number of different causes including thyroid or pituitary gland disorders. Research continues on the exact causes.

The causes of primary hyperhidrosis remains unclear but some researchers believe it may be caused by over activity of the sympathetic nervous system. It is also recognized that emotional anxiety can increase the problem as can some foods, smells, caffeine, and nicotine.

If there is any good news to all this it is that, although the causes are not fully understood, the physical condition itself can be successfully treated.

Depending on the severity of the condition, there is a wide range of treatments available. Some drug based treatments are effective but have unwanted side effects. There is also a surgical option which snips the sympathetic nerve but is expensive and all surgeries have risk.

Fortunately, there is a far more practical cure you can manage yourself in the privacy of your own home for very little cost.

Iontophoresis is a recognized successful treatment for hyperdrosis of the hands or feet.

Read more about hyperhidrosis and how to successfully deal with its symptoms at hyperhidrosis treatment.
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